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Low ABV (alcohol by volume)

After years of toiling in the soil striving at each juncture to create a more holistic approach to non-toxic agriculture and business we were confronted with the toxicity of alcohol itself. Although people have consumed alcohol for millennia and our culture encourages its over use, alcohol is a poison. 

We originally decided to focus on bottling our bounty for practical reasons, unlike fresh produce alcohol can be stored indefinitely, unsold product is never wasted and the market is vast; it also fit with our personal expertise. The problem arose when we considered the potential negative impacts to our employees, customers, and the community at large. This is what started our journey to find a sweet spot where people could enjoy our products to “Feel Pretty Without Getting Ugly.” Although we initially set out to distill spirits as pioneers we began experimenting on lower ABV products. Slowly over time developing recipes rich in medicinal properties that further eased the effects of the absorption of alcohol. The changes we’ve made over time have reaped palpable rewards and you can feel it here at our events and the next morning when you are off to work refreshed and without a hangover.
